Did you know not all food is created or grown equally? There is what we can call the "invisible qualities" of food. What do you mean, you say? Well, Food grown from the Earth is much better for you than "processed food." Then even the food grown from the Earth can differ in quality. Today in grocery stores, there is "standard" and "organic" produce, but because of toxins in the clouds, soil and water supply organic takes on a new meaning as well.
If you grow something in the dirt on your property is will probably be better than what is in the store, but, if you create a greenhouse, that conditions (filters) the water and air used in it, and your using soil in planters, created by you and that soil is rich in nutrients and healthily balanced you will grow a much higher "medicinal grade" of food. Food that will actually support good health and abundance for you
.What is better than tap water? Filtered water of course. What is better than just filtered water? Ionized Water, restoring the natural qualities of water to healthier yet. What other created water can be good for you? Distilled Water? Yes, it has no impurities in it to begin with and its completely organic. When you drink it, it distills inorganic impurities from your body and removes them, and unlike rumor, the organic material in your body is not flushed away as myth would have you believe.
If you compare produce found in the store, versus what you could grow in your own greenhouse, you might find the appearance of the food very similar but invisible to the look, the home grown, organic, specially grown in greenhouse, with enriched soil, filtered water and air, will be superior for consumption and health.
It is a law that before you can purchase food in the store, much of it has to be pasteurized (heated) destroying the value of that product, If you purchase store bought soils, that soil has to be sterilized before it can be sold. It's best to create your very own soils. In future blogs I will talk more on the soils as that is a complete other subject.