
Nexus recognizes earlier models considered were set over a 20 year plan to implement.  Nexus also recognizes that the current economic model of debt-based society will cease to exist shortly and be replaced by a energy/value based society operating through the I-UV exchange.

Each person will have direct access to their own value.  For those who dislike their current job when this happens it will be easy to change and start a new occupation.  Nexus already has initial staff for earlier smaller model but is preparing for ex-potential growth in the size and scope of the initial planned projects.

I have been asked "if I am asked to take what I had planned on a community scale and prepare for multiple full cities could I?  How fast could I roll that plan out?  The complete answer to that is without funding forward movement doesn't occur.  Twelve years of concepts have been discussed, drawings have been made, refined and discussed.  It has been my experience as a General Contractor that to build there are several steps.  Take the concept, make drawings of that vision, convert the drawings into models (either physically constructed miniature 3-D models or virtual 3-D models (such as the Second Life virtual world with real time merchant financial system).

A physical model once constructed is not as easy to change once built.  A virtual world (meta-verse) model can be constructed, (in virtual life like size, walk through model, scripted to look, operate like real buildings, real terrain, to give the vision a photo-realistic feel to it.  This model can be readily, quickly changed when a decision to alter the plans occurs.  Nexus will be a society utilizing the most cutting edge technologies available for living (current modern green living), growing food (medicinal grade standard), architecture (using hemp, polymers, bamboo, and other eco-friendly products.

Permaculture, Vermiculture, Aquaponics, Hydroponics, Polymers, Unlimited Energy sources, will be used in conjunction with other proven building methods to produce Nexus City the hub of the future in every way energetically possible.  Just imagine all the jobs we currently have within a city that make up the occupations of the city.  We will need Musicians, Entertainers, Webmasters, Media experts, Nurses, Dentists, Beauticians, Electricians, Plumbers, Naturopaths, Cooks, Cooks assistants, Landscapers, Gardeners, the list can go on forever.  Imagine your access to value will leave you with a choice.  What job do you feel you would love to do if given the choice.  Nexus City is building a "prospectus of dedicated, committed people" who would LOVE to be part of this new step in humanity.

It doesn't matter where in the world you live.  It doesn't matter what you currently are doing.  If you are employed, unemployed, trained in that job you LOVE or not.  Nexus would like to have you submit a request.  I am currently cataloging the list of global pioneers who wish to participate in the Nexus vision.  You can submit your name, and occupation of choice here.  No resume needed at this time please, just name, occupation desired and a way to reach you back  Submit Request Here!

Taking Nexus from concept to "ready to start building" requires capital.  I am requesting initial funds to complete virtual models, draft plans, send plans to architect for code design, materials needed.  I am told that out of the 7.2 billion people on this planet there are a minimum of .03% of the population or 216,000,000 people who are awake and aware.  For you who are awake, please consider supporting our future.

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