Thursday, August 15, 2013

Toxic Media

Before we start keep in mind that through the influence of advice, intake of media sources we have been poisoned for years, giving us suggestions that we are either ill, will become ill.  That it is in our DNA, Genes, Family Line, when in fact we manifest our reality with or without the help of others suggestions.  We either deliberately or through the influence of another person or form of media create belief statements and reality that can easily become a life-long prison to us.

Q=what is Toxic Media?  What are the forms it comes in?

A=Toxic Media can be a allopathic physicians advice giving you the impression that you will through heredity inherit a disease or behavior your other family members came down with. 

The truth is, family member’s health, life span, and forms of disease they come down with are directly relative to what they eat, drink, surround them with in media exposure, and influence from a family member, friend, or professional. 

You must remember or learn and understand, “We create our realities,” moment by moment, thought by thought, day by day.  We have lived entire lifetimes believing what other so called experts in person or through the media have said to us.  We trusted the sources, we thought most all of humanity were full of goodness, and would not mislead us.  The truth is, this contrast (controlling persons or entity), are not as many in numbers as they are in influence and control of people and circumstances.

Be careful what you subject yourself to, every word you hear can affect your reality.  Choose wisely your associations, your entertainment, and all other outside influences.  Corporate greed and influence has created a world to serve a few contrast souls, while the rest of us, are being held under the influence of a reality that while we yet slumbered captivated us, control us, tax us into poverty, and tell us they want more of what we have.

Every form of media has become their tools of trade to influence and control us.  Direct advertisement in stores as you shop, the Radio, TV, Newspapers, Movies, Billboards, Magazines, Corporate Global Influence through professionals who either are in the trap themselves and controlled by it, or are even completely unaware of its influence.

To combat this and return your life to a vibrant full life absent influence and disease, begin to raise your vibrational awareness by deliberately setting your daily intentions.  Tell yourself what you expect to change, setting those changes carefully in the words you express.  The words you speak each day will become your deliberate intentional thoughts, the more you practice them, the easier it will become until you will have raised your vibrational awareness to a point you will easily see the changes taking place in your life.

 Here is an example of “pre-paved deliberate intentions” that you can start out with:

No matter where I go, or what I am doing, or who I am with, it is my dominant intention-

*to have immediate and unending ease of access to my ABSOLUTE Value,

Free of all limits and impediments;

* to look for and ALLOW the Joyful Expansion that I am entitled to;

* to attract only those Beings, both physical and non-physical, that are in Harmony with my Joyful Expansion in co-creative exuberance!

*It is my intention to manifest abundance of energy and support to get Eduen expansion concept going!

*It is also my intention to Allow ALL that I am entitled to, to float my life in comfort and ease to come to me

*Thank you for the unlimited abundance, prosperity & perfect health for every being in the universe & beyond.

*I originally learned about pre-paving deliberate intent from Carmelle (Skype) her website is at

One example I can give is to share a generational issue that came from a parent sharing health issue information with one, then that person sharing it with their child later on in life.  When I was quite young, I was watching my dad use ace bandages to wrap his legs.  He had varicose veins and horrible pain with his legs.  He said “Son this is hereditary, and you will probably come out with it around 18 years of age like I did.”  As a matter of fact, I did come down with them at 18 and through my life have experienced the same nightmares as my dad.  While my oldest son was quite young and was watching me put on compression socks (new instead of ace bandages),

I said to my son “Son, your grandfather had this problem, and it’s hereditary, I got it and you most likely will too.”  I did this not knowing better, I based what I said off my Dad’s advice.  In addition, my son called me up and told me “Dad, I got those varicose veins; I started to get them around 18 just like you.”  Through an experiment, Geoliberty (from Skype) did with me I learned that I can heal my own pain, my own diseases, and that it is within each of us to correct our own health (I am very grateful for the lesson learned).

Have you ever heard doctors on TV say “3 out of 4 will come down with this illness or disease”, or, “there is no cure for this disease but, there is help”, messages are all around us, it is time for us to take back our power, we are free, we are in control, we are the one.

Behavioral epigenetics = we are not victims unless our belief system says we are!  To say we inherited a disease though hereditary lineage is programming itself.

I will not be the victim of programming, influence or the toxic media.  I elect to reverse a lifetime of influence, dis-ease, participation in the global programming effort of control to keep us less than perfectly well and vibrantly abundant.  “I am free, We are the One.”

I will learn how to change sub conscious to match the positive influence of the conscious mind!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

My Diary - "a Day in Nexus City page 2"

Dear Diary,

Remember I said I changed occupations to one that I LOVE Doing?  Well you would not believe how this happened.  Nexus City has a complete school system.  The curriculum is much different than any school I have ever heard of.  In Elementary through 12th grade they are taught real history, not a painted version to serve the interests of anyone or thing.  The College is multi-faceted.  It has several parts to it. 

I will give you an example, I used to work at a call center.  I made a lot of money, the work was stressful and I actually wanted to become an electrician.  The University gave me all the tools of the trade I would need.  Taught me how to use them. Then assigned me to a company I could run an apprentice program with to become a journeyman electrician.  There was no tuition either.  Also I have the ability to say which days I work and how many hours I wish to work at the job.  It is no surprise to me but, everyone working at their jobs love doing the work and performance and teamwork seem to flourish.

Some time ago I was told that the sum of human knowledge could be learned in the 12 years a person went to school.  Well that has changed.  Now a person is taught a truthful history, reading, writing, arithmetic, languages, the arts, and the rest of their education is learning how to resource information needed to understand what they need to know.  A good example is the “Health Data Base.”  Every disease known to man will end up in that data base, and every known treatment from all sources will eventually end up in there.  The nice thing about what I do for a living is, if I ever change my mind, then I can easily change occupations.

Friday, August 9, 2013

My Diary - "a day in Nexus City"

Dear Diary,

There’s something going on deep within the Hub of Nexus City. I visited the Eduen complex today. People are hearing exactly the opposite of what they learned from school, the media and advertisements. Fast Food isn’t good for you at all. Medicinal Grade Quality Food grown without pesticides is very good for our bodies. We are learning that most every bottled water sold in the store isn’t what is advertised. Oxygenated, Reverse Spun, Smaller Cluster Molecules has all been a hoax?

We went to the Rain Forest Dome today and had a deeply spiritual experience. I felt so close to Earth, really connected. I hiked over to the waterfalls, and just felt the mist on my face while listening to the sounds of nature. You know I tried that water Eduen is putting out. I am told the water we now drink has a primordial quality to it, like when the Earth was young.

I am learning so much about our bodies, wellness, how everything we put in our mouth either improves our health or causes decline. It’s sort of like we are our own physicians. Now that we know how to heal our body and keep them well, it really is up to us to care for them. On the way home from the Rain Forest I stopped by the Space Mall. Did you know they have an actual landing pad there for all atmospheric vehicles?

Tomorrow I take the Monorail tour of the Living Gardens & Orchards, then I am going to the Earth Ship District to see the new homes built right into Ghia. Life is good now, there is no resistance to forward motion in my life. I am having a blast. I changed occupations to one that I LOVE Doing.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Our Fountain of Youth is within us!

Today we live in a degenerate civilization that has long since forgotten how to eat and move. We are shadows of our ancient ancestors We have devolved from those great humans who lived in health and harmony with nature for thousands of years. Generally in our modern world, even the people you think are healthy are actually decrepit and dried out compared to indigenous Australians, Native Americans, and ancient yogis.

If you're in denial about this, then you probably only need to look into the mirror and see yourself. Years of alcohol and drugs (both pharmaceutical and recreational), too many carbs (especially gluten and refined sugar), dehydration (tap water is unhealthy junk water), lack of healing sunlight (vitamin-D), almost complete lack of barefoot connection from the earth's healing energy (grounding), and watching corporate controlled media has reprogrammed you and given you; poor vision, early aging wrinkles, a mouth full of cavities, and a weakened stiff body lacking in abundant energy.

You have it in you to make choices that can turn it all around. And it starts with learning: how your body works, what is healthy to eat, and how to move intelligently. What will you put in your mouth? Currently store bought pesticide-sprayed and or genetically modified junk? Remember your diet is a reflection of how you view the world, so with that poor diet what are you saying about yourself, and how can you expect to view the world with an "open" mind with such a "narrow" diminishing diet? All of that junk food is artificially manipulated through viruses and poisonous chemicals. For milenia our ancestors lived off of vibrant healthy untampered with life giving foods (heirloom foods).

Your experience of reality is massively influenced by what you put in your digestive system. If you eat pesticide-sprayed or genetically modified stuff, what are you telling yourself about the world? GOD KNOWS! It's not from nature! It's artificially manipulated through viruses and poisonous chemicals. For thousands of years, countless generations lived on foods that were natural and free from tampering (heirloom foods).

Nexus will through experiential education share the ancient ways of getting back to nature. Nexus wants you to know that each plant carries life force (chi, prana) and each food focuses a unique vital energy into one or several organs and glands of our bodies. All living plants are a gift from God/Source/Creator and Nexus wishes to help you learn to enjoy an abundance of life from the genius of creation.

The first nutritional advice I'd give anyone is to eat a variety of these kinds of foods. These plants have their own unique vibrations that communicate certain healing and health messages to particular organs and deeply affect the mind. God has created all these wonderful diverse plants that concentrate the minerals from the soil, combine sunlight, water and the air to create their own particular nutritional profile. Each plant is a kick of life-force (chi / prana) that focuses its unique vital power into one or more particular organs or glands.

Junk food closes the doors to higher thinking and spiritual light by affecting your higher glands and nerves. Remove the scales of blindness from your body. Information is a powerful weapon for wellness. The more you know the better informed choices you can make for a vibrant and abundant life. The responsibility for your health lies in your hands and the choices you will make starting today. Nexus wishes you abundance.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Constitution vs Condition

At birth (embodiment) we are given a "constitution."  This constitution is made up of material from both our parents all the way back to our grandparents.  We are given attributes of what ever strengths and weakness's our immediate family possess.  If our parents and their parents took good care of themselves, ate right, exersized, and lived within good surroundings, we are likely to be gifted with a strong constitution, if our immediate family ate a lot of sugar, twinkies, donuts, potato chips, drank a lot of pop, and did little exersize we are likely to inherit weaker constitutions.

The "condition" of our constitution is affected by everything we eat and drink, our emotional and spiritual state of being, and our surroundings.  To give you an example of how what we eat affects our bodies;  what you eat turns to blood, that blood builds cells, the cells turn to tissue, the tissue turns to organs.  Your blood renews itself every 90 days, your body every 7 years.  If you wish to either maintain your constitution or renew it you must use good building blocks to replace aged cells. 

Medical allopathic physicians of today know little or nothing about nutrition.  My own physician sent me to a hospital nutrition class and told me "I don't know a thing about nutrition."  In emergencies they are masters at diagnosing and providing for the emergency (heart attack, broken bones, etc.), but there are many other types of medicine.  Todays medical insurance plans do not include the ability to extend your insuance to a natural practitioner.  Nexus wishes to make available all forms of healing, from Naturopaths, Homeopaths, Osteopaths, Accupuncture, Psychic Healing, Energy Healing, Herbal and Vibrational Formulas, etc

I have seen evidence of Energy Healing that leads me to believe in it's practice for healing. I have direct experience with allopathic doctors telling me there is nothing left to do, and then finding the situation is not as serious as one would have supposed.  I hear stories like this all the time.  I know I am not alone.  We are individually responsible for our own health.  We can also be our own physicians to a point.  When you know everything around you including what you consume affects your bodies health outcome, you see choices from a different perspective.

Our Matrix-Our Now Reality

What a movie Matrix is.  It inspires many thoughts in all of us.  We too in reality live in a Matrix.  Many of us are unweaving the tangles and stepping into our own Now, others are completely unaware of their situation.  We have many obstacles to over come ascending out of the Matrix that surrounds us.  Think of the contrast which seeks to control us and all their methods of control.  If our reality is manifest simply by our thought then all the contrast has to do is grasp for dominant control of your thought process and take you on a wild ride.  Have you ever seen a medical type commercial on TV where the person speaking says, "you know 5 out of 100 people will come down with (some named disease)."  That commercial is now attempting to create a reality for you by suggesting that 1/20th of the population will come down with that illness and you might just be one of them.

We are inundated by suggestions on the radio, newspapers, tv, advertisements all around us, in the movies, curriculum taught in education.  Who stands to profit by keeping us held in our own personal matrix, well the contrast of course.  Big Oil, Big Banks, Big Pharmaceuticals, Big Agriculture, etc. no names needed for you to get the picture.  The name of the game has been Control & Profit.  We have been cattle in a game of chance and the odds have always been kept against us.

If the media writes news and it is not true, you need not buy into that lie,  dont let fear overcome you either.  Don't feed into their story and allow a lie to manifest a reality involving you either.  The One Peoples Public Trust exposed many of the matrix's tools and game plans.  We the One People now realize we are FREE.  We must stand in our Now Truth and demonstrate we believe what has been done for us.  We can shape our reality to exclude the influence of the Contrast and pave the way to our new Life.

We have taken back our freedom and getting on with our lives.  If you elect to believe nothing is wrong in our government, this will remain your reality.  If you continue to allow Big Business to rule your life, it will also remain your reality.  You can deliberately move from the contrast by pre-paving your intentions on a daily basis, raising your vibrations and creating a new reality.  You can learn how to do this by visiting Carmelle's Blog .

As you move out of the matrix into your new reality and away from contrast's influence you will see life with a different set of eyes.  Idea's will start to flow for you absent limits.  You will realize you can create circumstances and opportunities and change the path of your life.

Remove the influence of contrast and realize what opportunities lie ahead.  Take control of your life, open your eyes, realizing that you will soon be in control of access to your value, absent limits, imagine what you would LOVE to do.  Most of you have current jobs that you do simply to make a living, some people absolutely love their jobs as they are.  Others are NOT working in a job that they love or even suits them.  Imagine absent limits what you would LOVE to do, pre-pave those deliberate intentions, make no expectations where the answers to your desires will come from and get ready for the ride.  Nexus is seeking like minded people who absent limits knowing they will be soon accessing their value, would like to be involved with Nexus's vision.

You will not have to be a professional in that field just have a desire to be involved.  If the job requires expertice you will either go to school (tuition free) or receive on-the-job training so you can live your dream.  I will discuss the occupations that will be available at Nexus.

The Nexus Vision

Nexus seeks to bring Pristine Water, Medical Grade Food and Unlimited Energy to the world.  We are enundated by so many products around us.  In the stores we have two levels of produce, organic empty dead food (empty dead food absent pesticides) and empty dead food (empty dead food with pesticides).  Through petroleum chemical fertilzers we have grown magnificent crops of empty value.  Farming practices must change.  What the world finds acceptable because your Country, State or local municipality has set a mandate for drinking water doesn't mean the water is as healthy for you as you might think.

Nexus will address Water, Food, and Energy and make available infomation regarding nutrition and through collaboration will address disease through experiential education.  Nexus will return to healthy farming practices leading to vibrant nutritious healing food.  Nexus will collaborate with all companies that work with cutting edge technology energy solutions to help provide the world with.

Nexus will also associate a staff of like minded individuals with skill sets to perform the duties of staff or will be given opportunity to go to training (tuition free) to learn neccesary skills while participating and doing what they love doing.  When a person seeks assistance with dis-ease NEXUS will attempt to address the whole person, not the symptoms.  Ask yourself this question, "how well can you help others if you have not completely taken care of yourself first.?  How can you express love unless you love yourself first?

NEXUS in the truest sense will be equal opportunity for all.  So you really do want to grow the best food on Earth?  Why not participate with our positively motivated team who all work with one common goal, to bring about change, to improve on the human condition, to see to it that the needs of the human condition are met.