Friday, July 26, 2013

Our Matrix-Our Now Reality

What a movie Matrix is.  It inspires many thoughts in all of us.  We too in reality live in a Matrix.  Many of us are unweaving the tangles and stepping into our own Now, others are completely unaware of their situation.  We have many obstacles to over come ascending out of the Matrix that surrounds us.  Think of the contrast which seeks to control us and all their methods of control.  If our reality is manifest simply by our thought then all the contrast has to do is grasp for dominant control of your thought process and take you on a wild ride.  Have you ever seen a medical type commercial on TV where the person speaking says, "you know 5 out of 100 people will come down with (some named disease)."  That commercial is now attempting to create a reality for you by suggesting that 1/20th of the population will come down with that illness and you might just be one of them.

We are inundated by suggestions on the radio, newspapers, tv, advertisements all around us, in the movies, curriculum taught in education.  Who stands to profit by keeping us held in our own personal matrix, well the contrast of course.  Big Oil, Big Banks, Big Pharmaceuticals, Big Agriculture, etc. no names needed for you to get the picture.  The name of the game has been Control & Profit.  We have been cattle in a game of chance and the odds have always been kept against us.

If the media writes news and it is not true, you need not buy into that lie,  dont let fear overcome you either.  Don't feed into their story and allow a lie to manifest a reality involving you either.  The One Peoples Public Trust exposed many of the matrix's tools and game plans.  We the One People now realize we are FREE.  We must stand in our Now Truth and demonstrate we believe what has been done for us.  We can shape our reality to exclude the influence of the Contrast and pave the way to our new Life.

We have taken back our freedom and getting on with our lives.  If you elect to believe nothing is wrong in our government, this will remain your reality.  If you continue to allow Big Business to rule your life, it will also remain your reality.  You can deliberately move from the contrast by pre-paving your intentions on a daily basis, raising your vibrations and creating a new reality.  You can learn how to do this by visiting Carmelle's Blog .

As you move out of the matrix into your new reality and away from contrast's influence you will see life with a different set of eyes.  Idea's will start to flow for you absent limits.  You will realize you can create circumstances and opportunities and change the path of your life.

Remove the influence of contrast and realize what opportunities lie ahead.  Take control of your life, open your eyes, realizing that you will soon be in control of access to your value, absent limits, imagine what you would LOVE to do.  Most of you have current jobs that you do simply to make a living, some people absolutely love their jobs as they are.  Others are NOT working in a job that they love or even suits them.  Imagine absent limits what you would LOVE to do, pre-pave those deliberate intentions, make no expectations where the answers to your desires will come from and get ready for the ride.  Nexus is seeking like minded people who absent limits knowing they will be soon accessing their value, would like to be involved with Nexus's vision.

You will not have to be a professional in that field just have a desire to be involved.  If the job requires expertice you will either go to school (tuition free) or receive on-the-job training so you can live your dream.  I will discuss the occupations that will be available at Nexus.

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