Friday, July 26, 2013

The Nexus Vision

Nexus seeks to bring Pristine Water, Medical Grade Food and Unlimited Energy to the world.  We are enundated by so many products around us.  In the stores we have two levels of produce, organic empty dead food (empty dead food absent pesticides) and empty dead food (empty dead food with pesticides).  Through petroleum chemical fertilzers we have grown magnificent crops of empty value.  Farming practices must change.  What the world finds acceptable because your Country, State or local municipality has set a mandate for drinking water doesn't mean the water is as healthy for you as you might think.

Nexus will address Water, Food, and Energy and make available infomation regarding nutrition and through collaboration will address disease through experiential education.  Nexus will return to healthy farming practices leading to vibrant nutritious healing food.  Nexus will collaborate with all companies that work with cutting edge technology energy solutions to help provide the world with.

Nexus will also associate a staff of like minded individuals with skill sets to perform the duties of staff or will be given opportunity to go to training (tuition free) to learn neccesary skills while participating and doing what they love doing.  When a person seeks assistance with dis-ease NEXUS will attempt to address the whole person, not the symptoms.  Ask yourself this question, "how well can you help others if you have not completely taken care of yourself first.?  How can you express love unless you love yourself first?

NEXUS in the truest sense will be equal opportunity for all.  So you really do want to grow the best food on Earth?  Why not participate with our positively motivated team who all work with one common goal, to bring about change, to improve on the human condition, to see to it that the needs of the human condition are met.

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